Metamask® Chrome Extension® - | Getting started with MetaMask

Learn how to use the Metamask extension, a browser plugin that lets you store Ethereum and other tokens The The Metamask extension serves as a secure wallet integrated directly into your browser, enab

Get Start With Wallet MetaMask

The MetaMask Extension is a browser extension that serves as a secure wallet and gateway to blockchain sites, allowing users to buy, send, spend, swap, and exchange digital assets. It enables users to connect to the decentralized web, providing a new internet experience that prioritizes user control and privacy.

Key features and updates related to the MetaMask Extension include:

  • Enhanced Control: The extension offers users maximum control over their data and limits the amount of user data sent to third-party services required to run the extension.

  • Onboarding Improvements: During the onboarding process, users are prompted to confirm the first three words of their Secret Recovery Phrase (SRP) when creating a MetaMask wallet. Users can also choose any RPC provider during onboarding and opt out of the default provider, Infura.

  • Privacy Settings: Users can disable certain features that send requests to third-party APIs under the "Advanced configuration" settings, giving them more control over their data. These options include Incoming Transactions, Phishing Detection, and Choosing custom network.

  • User Privacy and Security: MetaMask prioritizes user privacy and security, emphasizing true ownership and privacy. The extension ensures that users have full control over their private keys and data, aligning with the core values of MetaMask.

  • Community Support: MetaMask is powered by a strong global community and offers resources for developers, security news, and more. Users can contribute to the project and access developer documentation to build MetaMask-compatible applications.

The MetaMask Extension is designed to provide a safe and simple way for users to access blockchain applications and the web3 ecosystem, ensuring that keys and assets always remain under the user's control.

Last updated